Would you hire me?

5 min readJul 31, 2020


Please consider the following resumes for future employment at your tech company

Brian Shaw

Yale Law School
Juris Doctor

University of Pennsylvania
BS, Computer Science

Head of Cybersecurity Policy at Facebook
2015 — Present

Developed and coordinated administrative policy on cybersecurity technology. We arbitrarily pursued and applied policy goals so as not to disrupt the dominance of our platform. We were well aware that Buddhist extremists were using Facebook to instigate hatred and violence against the Rohingya minority. Myanmar was a success story at Facebook and there is a delicate balance between maintaining success and life. I delicately managed that balance until after a year and 25,000 dead, at which point, we did the least we could possibly do: banned 4 groups. In 2016, oversaw our response to Russia’s attempt in manipulating U.S. elections through advertising, Facebook groups, and bots. It wasn’t until late in the summer that we noticed what happened, but our objective — to do nothing — was accomplished.

UN Cybersecurity Council

Established and coordinated cybersecurity policy on internet technology; responsible internet governance; cybersecurity legislation; international cyber deterrence; preventing exploitation of technology by people like Erdoğan in Turkey. Investigated potential flaws and weaknesses in various technologies that could be exploited by undemocratic countries looking to use technology to advance their interests and shared those findings with Chinese officials.

Cybersecurity Strategy Partners LLC
Cybersecurity Technology Liaison, China

Consulted with Chinese government officials to offer safe and secure web technologies to the people of China. We used facial recognition software to develop a highly intricate social scoring program with much success.

Chief Security Officer

Responsible for creating and administering cybersecurity. Developed strategies for assessing and mitigating risk, manage crises and incidents, maintain continuity of operations, and safeguard the organization.


Taught basic computer skills to impoverished adults in Ghana. Managed IT for the organizations headquarters in Accra.

Interesting Facts
I like the idea of foie gras
My mother thinks I’m a sociopath

Mike Huang

University of Santa Barbara
BA, Russian Literature

CodeHumpers Node JS Bootcamp

Hiring Manager

Worked with engineering teams to fulfill roles through nepotism, fraternity connections, co-ed basketball league. Used my connections to build extensive networks of homogeneous working teams. We worked diligently to make sure outsiders were made to feel as such and pushed to cultivate a bro-down culture: hard work, harder play. Nice.


Shipped features like recognizing when a user’s battery is low, the app would raise fares. Prevent drivers from earning a living if they slipped below a 4.7 rating. Took what I learned at Lyft and gave it to Uber. More keg stands.


Worked with database engineers to store massive amounts of data about riders without their knowledge, and developed algorithms to model their future behavior. Keg stands.

kRyPt0 Koin

Wrote our blockchain tech stack.

FrtGram (uBrp pivot)
Entrepreneur & Co-founder

Co founder of an app that allows you to record your farts and send them to your friends.

Entrepreneur & Co-founder

Co founder of an app that allows you to record your burps and send them to your friends.

Whole Foods Inc
Grocery Packaging Specialist

Worked hand in glove with various team members who scanned grocery items which were handed off to me to delicately assemble in bags made of recycled compost and trees with the utmost care to provide clients with the best possible shopping experience.

Who am I?
I can lift like 280
I like to express myself through starting new businesses

Wendy Brown

The Savannah College of Art and Design
BFA, Painting — Watercolor

UI Designer



Our competition wasn’t other streaming services, it is your attention span. In order to keep eyeballs glued to Netflix, despite millions requests from users, we helped design and refine customer engagement and retention by making it easier to binge TV shows through features like auto play trailers, skip intro, and next episode.

Story Time Co.

Artist, using multiple mediums, for a children’s book publishing company.

The Fun Stuff
I use bumble for free dinner
I like calling the police on black people



ss security solutions
white hat developer

The Neo
i read 8chan
i post dank memes on 8chan

ps…. this is all your getting on my resume you came to me remember?

Would you hire any of these prospective candidates? If the answer is no, consider that the next time those companies appear on a resume, they will not be so forthright. No one individual owns the seemingly daily catastrophes in tech, obviously. Companies are made up of people. Some good, some bad. But they’re all part of a process designed to scale important decisions which affect real people in real time. Executives, department heads and average employees all worked collectively to deliver us this hellscape, but consider that these people made a conscious decision to work for these companies, even after their bad deeds have been exposed time after time.

Many people in tech have impeccable credentials, the top firms are said to hire the best and the brightest. Yet those firms continue to make decisions that negatively affect others in profound ways, and they rarely work quickly to fix those problems. The result is usually less course correction and more deflection. Wise decisions, are made by asking questions that are meant to prevent and mitigate a lot of the mistakes these firms make, such as should we do this? Could this go badly? What might happen if…? How can we prevent that…? One would think a liberal arts education at an elite university would impart such wisdom on their graduates. Sadly, it doesn’t.

That’s why I think tech needs an enema. The power belongs to you, you have the choice of tossing a ‘stellar’ resume into the trash, and giving someone an opportunity who deserves it.




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